Tier II
Missouri Hockey AA POD Divisions
Missouri Hockey has a POD AA Division for each birth year Squirt Minor through Bantam Major. The PODS teams play in the Central States Hockey League. Missouri Hockey has three POD Clubs; Knights, Eagles and Sting. The Knights POD is made up from players from Kirkwood, Rockets, and Chesterfield. The Eagles POD is made up from players from Affton, Meramec, and Southern Illinois. The Sting POD is made from players for St. Peters and Twin Bridges. Players must play for the POD team that is grouped with their home zip-coded association. Players from clubs outside of those clubs mentioned are considered eligible to try out for all three PODS. PODS teams will play in the BNC playoffs and participate in the BNC championship weekend.
AA CS Game Formats and BNC Rules
The following rules are in addition to the YD Rules and Regulations for the purposes of facilitating the Youth Division Tier II AA Blue Note Cup Championships pairings at Squirt Minor, Squirt Major, PW Minor, PW Major, and Bantam Minor.
Each team will get 2 points for a Win in their divisional games, 2 Points for an Overtime/shootout Win, or 1 point for an Overtime Loss.
Every game will be played to a winner. Game progression: Three Periods, Overtime, Shootouts.
The top two seeds in each in each AA division will play for their respective Blue Note Championship. Should a tie occur in the standings the first tie breaker will be goal differential in games played between the two tied teams. Second tie breaker will be most goals scored between tied teams. Third tie breaker will be least amount of goals against tied teams.
The highest seeded team in each Division will be considered the home team for BNC championship game. The second highest seeded team in the Division will be considered the away team for the BNC championship game.

2024-25 AA - Central States Pool Draft Registration Closes on June 26th at 6 pm
The AA-CS Pool Draft will be held
Thursday, June 27th at Affton Ice Arena.
The AA-CS Pool Draft is open to any player who tried out for their MO Hockey AA Pod Team and was not selected.
The tryouts are free, but you must register
no later than 6 PM on June 26th.
6:10 PM Squirt U9 & U10
7:20 PM PeeWee U11 & U12
8:30 PM Bantam U13 & U14
Please review your Eligibility for Pool Tryouts:
- All players must have registered for their districted Pod tryout.
- All players must have been cut from their districted Pod tryout.
- If a player is offered a contract to play for their districted Pod team and refuses (turns it down) they are ineligible to participate in the Pool tryout.
- Pod teams should have a representative on site for each tryout.
- If determined that no POD teams have any eligible roster spots at a specific birth year; the POD Chairman reserves the right to cancel the tryout.
- Pool Players cannot be added to a POD team after pool tryouts conclude.