MAIHA Youth Division is an affiliate of USA Hockey and is governed by USA Hockey rules and policies.
MAIHA Youth Division has developed playing rules and polices which governs all participating members. Missouri Hockey playing rules and polices are in addition to, and in some cases more restrictive than USA Hockey playing rules and policies. Missouri Hockey playing rules and policies shall override USA Hockey playing rules and policies when they are more restrictive.
Links to By-laws and playing rules are below. Minutes are available upon request.
MAIHA Youth Division
Steps to Apply for a Transfer
- Read and understand the rules and procedures, found in MAIHA Youth Division Playing Rules
- Contact the Registrar of the club you wish to transfer to, they will provide you with the Transfer or Relocation form. Visit the club's website to find this information. Links to the club websites can be found on our website under CLUBS.
- Provide the Registrar with the required information:
- Type of transfer
- Player’s Name
- Address, City, ST, Zip
- Phone Number
- Player’s School
- Player’s Date of Birth
- Current Youth Hockey Club
- The Registrar will complete the form and arrange for you to sign or send the form to you to sign.
- Sign the form and submit the form and any additional required documentation (relocations require proof of new residence and hardships require documentation of the hardship) to the Missouri Hockey office prior to the deadline by mail or electronically as a high-resolution pdf. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the form is received prior to the deadline.
- One Time Transfer (OTT) Deadline is by 5 PM on the first Friday in June. Players must be age- eligible to play at the 12U level in order to request an OTT. For 2025 birthday must fall in 2014 or earlier.
- Relocation and Hardship applications must be received by 5 PM ten days prior to the Youth Division August Board Meeting
- Only fully completed and signed "One Choice" forms will be considered by the YD Board. An incomplete form will automatically disqualify your transfer request.
- Once the YD Board approves your transfer, you cannot reconsider your request
- It is the responsibility of the transferring player to contact the Missouri Hockey Youth Division via email to ask any questions that either the player and/or his parents may have regarding their rights and duties under this rule. Once the player and legal guardian have signed and submitted their "Tier II Player Declaration and Acknowledgment Form" and the Youth Division Board has approved it; they are acknowledging that they have no further rights of choice or transfer except by showing of extreme hardship as defined in the rules.