Blue Note Cup

2025 Blue Note Cup Dates
Feb 7-9, 2025
Midget Play Down Games (All 3 Midget Divisions)
Feb. 21-23, 2025
Blue Note Cup Playoff Games
(Squirt, Peewee, Bantam)
March 1-2, 2025
Blue Note Cup Championship Weekend (All Divisions)
2025 BNC Information

Scroll down for 2025 BNC Fesitval and AAA Info (Below the Tournament Info)
2025 Blue Note Cup Tournament (Youth Division Teams)
9U Blues (11) CarShield (1)
10U Blues (10) CarShield (0)
11U Blues (8) CarShield (1)
12U Blues (5) CarShield (3)
13U Sting (4) Knights (2)
12U Knights (5) Eagles (1)
11U Eagles (3) Knights (2)
10U Knights (6) Eagles (2)
9U Eagles (6) Knights (5)
Championship Weekend Game Schedule
Please use the link below to access 2/25 updated schedule for all YD / AAA and CS games. This includes locker room assignments.
ALL YD / AAA /CS Teams
Centene found an error with the Sunday games on the NHL and USA Rinks. Please recheck the updated schedule below (SCROLL DOWN) for your updated start time on those two rinks. There were no other changes made.
The schedule ABOVE also includes locker room assignments for all games.
2/18/25 6:00PM UPDATE - Corrected Semi Final date for 14U A2 Semi from 3/23 to the correct 2/23. Bracket is now correct.
Only affected the two Kirkwood Teams. No other changes.
We have reached the end of the regular season. Congrats to all the players, coaches, referees, parents, families, clubs, and rink staff for getting to this point. It is now time to begin the Quest for the Cup! We have over 250 teams competing for a Championship and 170 teams participating in the 6u/8u Festival.
We are pleased to confirm that there are NO restrictions on crowd size for the Blue Note Cup games this year. Bring all the fans you can to cheer on your teams.
Please keep in mind noise makers of any kind are not allowed in the BNC games either weekend at any rink. Please do not take balloons to the rinks. As a courtesy to the teams playing after you – please clean up after your game. The rinks don’t have time to clean up with a 10 min break.
Please be flexible on game times for the weekend. We have allowed extra time for the games and they will be played out in full. The clock will NOT be cut in the 3rd period. There is an Overtime procedure spelled out in the rules. All of that means it is possible games will be running behind. Your game will be played so just enjoy the excitement of the before yours.
Games will not start more than 10 min early. Teams should be dressed and ready to play if the game before them finishes early.
Per MO Hockey Youth Division policy, the commissioners have completed the final seedings for each division and we are ready to play for the Blue Note Cup. It is important to note that on the Youth Division website league season standings will NOT reflect the final seedings. The computer system does NOT allow us to insert our tie breaking procedures and will show any ties in the regular season standings in alphabetical order on the standings page.
The correct and final seedings/tournament bracket are ONLY shown on the BRACKET tab for each division.
We have done our best to accommodate all the out-of-town teams who play in the league to provide the best travel schedule possible with the game slots available on the schedule. These schedules are provided by the Host Associations and while we provide guidelines for scheduling, they provide the best schedule they can with the ice they have available. It is difficult to get all of the games that need to be played scheduled over the weekend. While there might be conflicts with other leagues, we have done the best we can.
The final schedule for each division is now posted – Monday 2/17 8:45 and will only be changed if an error has been found or there is a problem with a rink.
Your team’s final seeding and schedule for the tournament is now posted: Go to and follow the directions below to find your bracket.
1. Click DIVISIONS found in the blue navigation bar at the top of the home page and then click on your division.
2. Click on BRACKETS from the left column navigation bar
3. Note, the drop-down bar to the right of the division name should read "2025 Blue Note Cup". If it does not use the down arrow button to change it to “2025 Blue Note Cup”.
The Winning Team of each game should enter the score as soon as possible after the game is complete.
The bracket will update continuously as winning teams enter the game scores once the tournament starts. It is important that everyone checks their BRACKET and Coaches/Managers email and text messages before every game to make sure there have not been any last-minute changes.
Some divisions had some multi step tie breaking needed. These procedures are posted on the Blue Note Cup page on the Youth Division web site. In cases where teams had an odd number of games due to sickness, league format, etc. the Commissioners applied formulas that have been approved by the Youth Division Board and are also posted on the BNC page. However, we are all volunteers and there might have been mistakes slip through. If you believe something is not correct, we ask that ONLY your team manager or head coach contact the division commissioner and ask for an explanation.
The rules for the 2025 Blue Note Cup are posted on the Youth Division Website/ BNC Page. Look on the left side for the link.
Weather Policy for All BNC Games
We have no options for rescheduling or delaying games in the BNC. We will do everything possible to play the games. If the rink is open, and we can get referees to the rink the game will go on as scheduled. Teams/parents should exercise their best judgement when considering their own situation, safety should always be a priority. If you will be attending a game, please allow extra travel time.
We know there are a few games scheduled this weekend at outdoor rinks. We are in contact with the rinks and the host associations and are working on Plan B options if needed but it does not look like they will be an issue. Those teams will be kept up to date if something changes.
With the number of games this year we are stretching the capabilities of the referees to the limit. We cannot play the games without them. Please keep in mind they are not professionals, they are not perfect, they will make mistakes, but they are doing their best. After all, the ref’s doing the NHL Blues games make mistakes all the time – think back to the hand pass during the Stanley Cup. There were four highly paid, full time, career officials on the ice and not one of them saw that hand pass, but 18,000 fans did. Most of your games will have only two refs who are doing this as a hobby or maybe a younger kid without a lot of experience. It is everyone’s responsibility to refrain from yelling at them for any reason. It will not change the call and is simply not acceptable. MIHOA (the referee’s association), and Missouri Hockey will have supervisors at most rinks/games who will enforce the Zero Tolerance Policy and simply ask people who get out of hand to leave the rink additional penalties are also possible. Do not miss the chance to see your kid’s tournament games!
Check out and order from the BNC Merchandise Website at the link below.
There will also be a shop set up in the lobby of Centene for the Championship Weekend and Maryville for the BNC Festival (on 3/1-2). They will have the same merchandise with the ability to add “2025 Champions” to many items. Some items will be available at the rinks and some need to be ordered.
The Tournament Committee would like to thank all the members of the Youth Division Board. These are all volunteers without whom the entire season would not be played. The league commissioners are Board Members and help facilitate the very difficult no way to make everyone happy task of setting the divisions in Dec Season and handling issues through the season. They put in a LOT of time, get lots of upset emails and phone calls and not nearly enough appreciation. If you are not happy with the way something was done this year, contact your Club and say you want to help. We always need ideas and volunteers.
Thanks also to the St Louis Blues and the Blues For Kids for their support of the Blue Note Cup. Quite simply, the tournament would not be what it is without them! If you have purchased 50/50 tickets at a Blues game that is a big part of where the support comes from.
The Blues also have a partner for the development of youth hockey, First Community Credit Union. We welcome them to the tournament and appreciate their support.
While only one team in each division will eventually win the Blue Note Cup, we hope that everyone has a great experience and enjoys the opportunity to play in the tournament.
The Blues, First Comminuty Credit Union and Mo Hockey Youth Division Board wish everyone the best of luck in their Quest for the Cup!!!!
For general tournament questions please contact
Bill Baker
Blue Note Cup Tournament Director
Missouri Hockey Youth Division Website
2025 Blue Note Cup Festival 6U/8U Teams
UPDATE 2/24/25 8:45 UPDATE Festival Schedule w/Locker Room Assignments posted below
Corrected the 8u White Mid Mo and STP Peters switch that was left off earlier today.
We are pleased to announce that the Final 2025 Blue Note Cup Festival schedule is linked at the bottom of this update.
All games will be played at Maryville Ice Center in Chesterfield
The schedule is sorted by division (6U/8UBlue/8U Red/8U White), date and rink. There are 2 pages.
Please locate your team (we used team names we were given) to find when you play.
We cannot reschedule games. However it is OK if you want to swap times with a team from your club in the same division. If you find a team to swap with please send Bill Baker an email with both teams copied and clearly stating the teams/times being switched. The schedule will be changed once the change is received and confirmed to both teams.
Remember - each team has one hour of ice. There is NO cost to participate.
Teams will play 2 x 25 min games during the hour. Horn will sound every 90 seconds.
After the first game, half of the teams will stay in the same place and the other half will rotate to get a different opponent for the second game.
Teams should bring multiple jerseys if they have them. Coaches will coordinate with other teams in their time slot once at the rink to determine what color they will wear.
There will NOT be officials for the games. Coaches will be on the ice with skates and will manage the game.
One coach/manager from each team should check in at the Festival table just inside the rink lobby. Indvidual players do NOT need to check in.
Locker room assignments will be posted prior to the Festival. These will most likely be share by two or more teams. Please have players come partially dressed if possible.
Coaches are also expected to help move the pads/boards before and after your game. The ice will be done avery two games so they will need to be moved before or after your game. Please be considerate and help get the changeover done as quickly as possible.
You are welcome to bring friends and family to watch your game.
TEAM PICTURES - No parents or managers will not be allowed on the ice to take pictures. STL Digital will be on hand for each game and is offering team photo packages. Individual pictures will not be available, and the packages need to be purchased before your game. We have found in the past many teams purchase the package which gets them copies of all pictures taken in a game for all team members at one low team price.
Click link below for additional information from STL Digital.
STL Digital can be reached at
BLUE NOTE CUP STORE The Blue Note Cup merchandise web store is open now for shirts, hoodies and other items. Everyone is welcome to check it out and order items at the link below. Come by the Blue Note Cup Official Apparel booth at Maryville the weekend of the Festival and see samples of many of the online items. Pick up a free Blue Note Cup lip balm and Post-it Note pad while supplies last. There will be several t-shirts, hoodies, knit caps, decals and other items for sale as well.
BNC Merchandise will also be set up at Centene Ice Rink Sat 3/1-3/2 during the BNC Champsionship Games
MARYVILLE FOOD OPTIONS (No outside food is allowed)
The snack store in the rink lobby will be open all weekend (8am-9pm).
The Falcons Nest Restaurant will also be open all weekend. You can reserve a spot for your team post game celebration.
Please email Falcons Nest with any questions or reservation requests at
In additon, Maryville has party rooms available for team functions. They offer a complete catering menu - see the link below.
Please check the website and lookout for additional email updates as we get closer to the Festival.
For questions please email, Bill Baker,
2025 Festival Director at
UPDATE 11/15/24
The Festival Registration is now closed. If you have not yet regiestered your team please contact Bill Baker, Festival Director, at and he can see if there is a spot available.
We will be posting the schedule and additional information for the Festival in the coming weeks.
Registration was a HUGE success. Where we have had 100-110 teams in the past Festivals at Centene by moving to Maryville and 2 dedicated rinks we now have 163 teams registered.
UPDATE 9/24/24
We are excited to announce there will be a BIG change for the 2025 Festival. In an effort to avoid the ice issues we have had the last couple years, not being able to get all teams in, etc we are moving the Festival location.
The 2025 Blue Note Cup 6U/8U Festival will take place the same weekend as the BNC Championship Games (March 1 & 2, 2025) but will be at Maryville Ice Center in Chesterfield. Games will run all day Sat and Sun on both rinks at Maryville. Teams will be randomly assigned times.
EVERY 6U/8U team that is registered in the Youth Division will be invited to play. No team will be left out.
All teams will get one hour of ice (AT NO COST). During that hour they will play 2 x 25 min games. Like past years coaches will be on the ice coordinating the games. We will buzz the clock for line changes. This is the same as we have always done at Centene.
Teams will need to register and the registstration will be open by mid-September. Keep in mind ALL teams will be in the Festival - nobody will be left out. Registration is just to get team contact info, number of players,etc.
Watch this space for registration information coming soon!!!
There is no cost to participate in the Festival.
We expect the have the Festival schedule posted around the Holidays or early January.
Please make sure you save the dates - March 1 & 2, 2025 on your team calendars.
Please note since the Festival is including all 6U/8U teams the YD Board has made this a blackout weekend. There will be no travel permits issued and no other Festivals in town.
We are very thankful to have the Blues for Kids as a partner in the new and improved BNC Festival. Without their support this new format would not be possible. Please support them when you go to the Blues games this season and buy 50/50 tickets.
Please contact Festival Directior if you have any questions.
BIll Baker
Each year the Missouri Hockey Youth Division has hosted a season ending Championship Tournament for all teams participating in the Youth Division Travel (A1 thru C) Leagues. AAA and Central States teams in non-National bound age groups also have division Championships as part of the tournament. For many years the tournament was known as the State Championship Tournament or the SCT. In 2017 Missouri Hockey Youth Division and the St Louis Blues teamed up to take the tournament to another level. The event is now called the Blue Note Cup – Missouri Youth Hockey Championships.
The Blues’ “Blues For Kids” program had given a significant contribution towards the tournament’s operating budget. In addition, in probably the biggest change for the tournament the Blues will be donating a trophy that will be awarded to each Champion. The winning team will be engraved on the trophy and the winners will be allowed to display the trophy in their rink for the year. The individual awards that have been used in the past will also remain.